
Posts Tagged ‘features

 266px-facebook_logosvg.pngFacebook is launching a  profile clean up tool as a response to thousands of users complaining about it. Goes to show Facebook being so active in constantly monitoring User interface challenges for its users.

But how do u think this will work? A logical way would be that it’ll let you push all the not so used app’s into an archive page a click away from your profile based on your activity level on that app……. You still will have control of chosing what goes into the More section.

Yes that is how the tool will work, it will recommend that users keep the Friends, Mini Feed, Wall, Basic and Personal Information boxes, as well as the top 12 application boxes they have added. A “Show Extended Profile” link will be added to the bottom of the profile page that will show profile boxes for all the other apps the user has installed.

Guess it’s time for everybody to put on the gloves and start cleaning …..

Here’s the Release from Facebook:

We wanted to give you a heads up about some upcoming changes to the profile and how your application’s profile boxes will work. As time has gone on, we’ve received increased complaints from users that friends’ profiles are getting too cluttered, and that people are having trouble finding the information they are looking for on their friends’ profiles. On the other side, users are complaining that their own profiles are cluttered, and they have installed so many applications that it has become overwhelming to un-clutter it.

To benefit all users, therefore, we will soon be launching a “profile clean-up” tool. Similar to how your computer’s desktop will remind you to get rid of unused icons, this tool will give users the option to move extra profile boxes to an “extended portion” of their profile. Users can choose to move these boxes; we will recommend that they keep the Friends Box, Mini-Feed, Wall, Basic and Personal Information as well as the top 12 application boxes they have added. At the bottom of the profile will then be a link to “Show Extended Profile”. Any user will be able to expand the profile at any point in time to see all the applications a user has added to their profile.

We believe this change will allow users to interact with all of their applications in a more meaningful way. In addition to allowing the profile page to load faster, this means users will have an easy way to publicly acknowledge their favorite applications. We want platform applications to be a fully integrated piece of Facebook, which is why we don’t want users to feel that these applications have somehow infringed on the simplicity of their Facebook experience. We will continue to keep you posted on any changes we make to Facebook and to Platform.

Here’s a quick look at some important Facebook updates that are expected to launch in 1Q 08:

1) Friend Lists Privacy Controls

A few weeks ago, Facebook took the first step toward enabling more efficient friend management with the release of Friend Lists. However, as was noted at the time, the killer feature of Friend Lists — Privacy Controls — was nowhere to be found. The good news is Facebook is working on this, and will allow users to control visibility for their profile, photos, and apps using Friend Lists soon.

2) Facebook in New Languages

It has been known for a while that Facebook is working on translating the site into a few new key languages. However, beyond this initial step, Facebook is planning an aggressive “crowdsourcing” approach to translate the site into dozens (if not hundreds) of languages around the world by harnessing the collective volunteer power of its user base. Soon, Facebook will launch a “Translations” app (which we saw briefly a couple weeks ago) whereby users can enter translations for every Facebook menu, button, and copy item. (To all Facebook users in Turkey: Facebook will be available in Turkish soon!!)

3) Blasting Messages to Groups With More Than 1,000 Members

Facebook marketers have been banging their head on the wall for a long time because of Facebook’s cap on the size of groups you’re allowed to blast messages to. This has caused many to migrate their group members to Pages, or even other websites, in order to enjoy more robust group communication tools. However, Facebook will soon be removing this ceiling, meaning Groups will become a more viable option for many grassroots marketers and large communities.

Coverage On venturebeat

facebookworld0110082.pngA set of useful Facebook updates are slated to launch soon, including versions of the site in other languages, a way to send messages to large groups, as well as tools for controlling what friends get to see about you.

Facebook is asking “translators all over the world to translate Facebook into different languages,” as its new Translations application describes its purpose. “Join our community of translators and make Facebook available to everyone, everywhere, in all languages.” (The app’s bolding, not mine.)

This is a very clever way for Facebook to get all its language translating done through its users — for free, I assume. The app is in limited beta, and we haven’t had a chance to look at it first hand. Apparently, though, there’s a sort of group translation process, where app users submit translations for different parts of the site, then other app users vote to approve those translations. Mashable got an early look last month, see its write-up for more details.

A couple of other features will soon be released, as well, according to Inside Facebook’s Justin Smith.

Administrators of Facebook groups with more than 1,000 members will be able to send a message to all of those people at once. Previously, Facebook limited the number of people you could message to 1,000.

Facebook will also add privacy controls to its “friends lists” feature, that it introduced last month. Basically, the feature lets you manually create lists of friends, then see things like activity updates for each list. However, it launched without privacy controls for blocking lists — say, your coworkers — from seeing specific things about you, like your Facebook album photos. Soon, according to Smith, you will be able to control visibility of your profile, photos, and apps for your lists.

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